Chief Information Officer-Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3)
Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)
The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s), National Information Technology Acquisitions and Assessment Center (NITAAC) provides a contract vehicle for acquiring a wide range of IT products, services and solutions for the NIH Institutes and Centers and all other federal agencies. The focus is to provide government agencies with a mechanism to quickly order needed IT solutions and services at equitable and reasonable prices. The CIO-SP3 GWAC is designed to support the Federal Enterprise Architecture, the Federal Health Architecture and the DoD Enterprise Architecture, providing a full range of information technology services and solutions to the federal government.
A CIO-SP3 unrestricted contract was awarded to the Health Informatics and Information Technology Solutions (HIITS) Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA) a strategic union of INDUS Corporation, the CTA lead, and Digital Infuzion, and Armedia, LLC. The HIITS CTA was formed for the sole purpose of fulfilling NITAAC’s vision for the CIO-SP3 GWAC. The HIITS contract is held by partner INDUS.
May 2012 – April 2025
Federal Agencies Served:
This contract applies to all federal agencies.

Contract #:
For questions, email us at:
Or contact:
Jacques Fournier, PMP
Director, Capture Management
Contract Website:
NITAAC CIO-SP3 Large Business